School Lunch Program 

School Lunch Director

Mrs. Tina Carter is our School Lunch Director. Mrs. Carter joined the St. Augustin community for the 2022 - 2023 school year. She has a background in dietetics and has work experience in nutrition services in the cafeterias for the Waukee school district.

Get to know Mrs. Carter

School Lunch Menu & Parent Volunteer Schedule

March Menu

April Menu


Click here for directions on how to add lunch money to your JMC account.

Lunchroom Volunteer Signup


Please contact Mrs. Kristin Jensen with questions.

School Lunch Periods

11:00am – 11:30am: 3/4/5 Lunch

11:30am – 12:00pm: PreK/TK/K Lunch

12:00pm – 12:30pm: 1/2 Lunch

12:30pm - 1pm: 3/4/5 Lunch 

Meal Prices 

  • $4.20 Students  (one milk included with meal)
  • $4.20 All Adults
  • $4.20 Child Guest (one milk included with meal)
  • $0.75 Milk a la carte

School Lunch Account 

The cafeteria will be using JMC Student Management Software system for student lunch accounts. Parents/guardians can deposit funds into their student's lunch account online.  Checks will still be accepted in the school office; however, we hope you take advantage of this new convenience. 

Free and Reduced Lunch Forms

Please see the School Forms page of the St. Augustin Catholic School Website for up-to-date free and reduced school meals and milk forms.